Enabling Modal Shift through Smart Visibility

Modal Shift - a matter of urgency

The transport sector accounts for 25% of the CO2 emissions in the EU; a high percentage is borne by freight transport. Yet, this sector has failed to reduce its emissions in the past 30 years. The predominant way of shipping goods is by road, with all its well-known negative effects for the environment. Forecasts state an ongoing increase of freight volumes, whilst decarbonizing the sector will take many years, if not decades. Thus, a modal shift becomes a matter of urgency.

Combined Transport is the way ahead

Shifting freight from road to rail is the most effective way to decrease CO2 emissions; leading to a reduction up to 80%. Yet, access to rail has not been that easy for shippers. This applies also to combined transport (CT). Shippers usually do not have full insight into CT services offered, as various providers are involved along the transport chain. In turn, CT provider are missing visibility as to which shippers' transport flows could have the potential to create new combined transport services. Now, MATCH2RAIL can address this!

The MATCH2RAIL solution

We align door-to-door freight flows with already existing combined transport services. Thus, shippers and LSPs can easily identify attractive options to shift their flows from road to rail.

We build 'virtual trains' by bundling and matching flows provided by various shippers and LSPs. Thus, we are expanding demand to achieve the required critical mass for new and more efficient combined transport services.

How it works

Upload your flows

  • easy and convenient upload via MS Excel template file
  • proven trustee concept
  • confidentiality and data protection

Check your flows

  • Align your provided door-to-door freight flows with already existing combined transport services
  • Check connections and services offered by various combined transport operators and forwarders
  • Identify feasible options to shift your flows by defining your specific requirements (e.g. catchment area, transit time, etc)

Match your flows

  • Continuous collection and matching of freight flows provided by various shippers and LSPsĀ 
  • Build new ('virtual') trains
  • Bring 'virtual' trains in operation

About shift2030

The initiative shift2030 brings those together who are committed to work on a modal shift. We follow a hands-on, action oriented approach in close cooperation with the market and decision makers. Our work is focused on ACTION(S): we demonstrate fresh ideas and innovative technologies that can vitalize rail freight with the ambition to achieve the demanding climate targets for the EU transportation sector by 2030. Learn more...


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